2017 Toy Fair Favs

Sorry we disapeard for a bit.  Life and all that!  But the Dans are BACK and ready to talk toys… which is good because one of the biggest toy events of the year just happened last month – Toy Fair 2017.   Half the Legion of Dans were there, half were studying the reveals from home, but they ALL had some favorites that stood out in all the news.   Some favorites you can probably guess, but some will surprise you!

All that awesome toy talk AND a new (timely) Dan of the Month all in episode 9 of THE LEGION OF DANS!

Comic Con 2016 Follow Up

There’s always a LOT of information to take in each year from the 5 days that make up San Diego Comic Con International.  What did we see?  What did we like?  What do we want?

Have a listen to the latest episode and find out the answers to all of those questions PLUS our DAN OF THE MONTH!